Friday 29 October 2021

It Was A First

    As I blogged earlier this month, I was on the fence about getting a costume together ahead of Halloween on Sunday. I mentioned it would be the first time in my 8 years at GX94 I had not done so, since it is a tradition around here. After going through our stuff at home, I couldn't find anything even remotely suitable, and decided not to bother this year. And, yes, the pandemic did play a role in the decision. I'm going to plan something for next year, though.

   And while I wasn't the only one who didn't bring a costume this year, some did. GX94 morning show host Danny Ismond (with some help from his wife) came up with this beauty:

   Well done Danny!


Friday 22 October 2021

Rembrandt I'm Not

   GX94 mid-day host Tonnya  Cherry had me do some homework last night. She brought in a Paw Patrol colouring book, and has asked several staff members, me included, to do one. I obliged. My first instinct was to do what a normal child would do. Grab the  markers in one hand and start scribbling. I'm not normal. I told her I faced an almost insurmountable obstacle in that there were no numbers on the picture corresponding with the coloured markers. But I soldiered through, and after 45 minutes, I produced something.

   Yes, there's some areas where the marker bled through, and yes, I did go outside the lines a time or 3. But on the whole, not a bad effort. It will never hang in the Louvre, but I'm happy with it. And giiven the different coloured eyes, I've called him "David Bow-Wowie"


Thursday 21 October 2021

Might Be A First

    Halloween is just 10 days from now. As regular followers are aware, I usually get costumed up for Halloween. In the past, I've been a zombie news reader, a "rock star" and a zombie hunter. But I think my all-time favorite was getting kitted out as an Australian, complete with didgeridoo, and even lobster on a Barbie

   This year, however, I'm in a bit of a bind.  I can't think of anything, and don't really want to recycle a look (like I did with the Australian). So, do I get in the spirit so to speak, or simply (for the first time since I've been here) not bother?

   With the pandemic continuing, I'm leaning toward the latter, although I'm not ruling anything out.


Tuesday 5 October 2021

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

    And you home, and office, and car. It's late in the season, but smoke from forest fires north of us has been drifting into the region, making it a little difficult to breathe. And it's been unseasonably warm for this time of year, with highs in the upper 20's. A year or 2 ago, we were having snow at this time of year.

    Complicating things in the office is the indoor temperature. It was up to 28 Celsius (82 F) yesterday in the control rooms, and no one could figure out how to turn it down, even though they tried. Between the heat and smoke, I think I know what a brisket feels like being slow cooked. Luckily, the building maintenance crews seem to have it sorted out. I just hope it doesn't go the other way, and we start putting jackets on to keep warm. A mice happy medium would be good.