Thursday 23 September 2021

Not Much Changed

    I don't usually venture into politics, but following Monday's federal election in Canada, I felt I had to. The governing liberals, though in a minority, sent us to the polls last month, in hopes of getting a majority. They didn't. In fact, when all the ballots were counted, the liberals gained 1 seat. They ended up with 158 in Parliament, where 170 is needed to form a majority. The opposition conservatives lost 2 seats, the NDP gained 4. Did I mention the election came about a year and a half after the last vote? And it cost $600 million?

   It begs the question why? Why send us to the polls during a pandemic, especially when the Liberals had the support of the NDP to govern? Why waste the money? Saskatchewan's premier may have summed it up best when he called it the most pointless election in Canadian history. We're right back where we started from. In fact, a lot of Canadians didn't think a call to tje polls was needed.

   One plus may be this: Unless the liberals really screw things up, don't expect any other party to bring them down and trigger another vote. The outrage would be massive. It's also a cautionary tale for the Liberals: Don't send us back to the ballot box until your mandate is over.


Monday 13 September 2021

Could Someone Turn The Heat On? Please??

    It's really cold in the office this morning. My fingers are chilly, I'm wearing a jacket, and there's a blast of Arctic air coming down from the A/V vent, which, luckily, is right over my head. This isn't the first time I've come in to a cold office. It's also not the first time I've had to wear a jacket whilst working. And the really sad thing is, this won't be the last.

   One of my co-workers also says it was frigid in the building the entire weekend, which begs the question: why is no one doing anything about it? The answer is simply, it was over the weekend, and ours is the only office even partly open then.

   But I do hope building maintenance will be in shorty and fix whatever needs fixing. It really is getting cold in here.


Tuesday 7 September 2021

And Back Again

    That was one heck of a month! Normally, I refuse to share personal details of my life on this venue, but feel some sort of explanation is due.

   I was off so I could get some needed surgery done (for what I'm keeping to myself). After having August off, I got clearance to return as of today, and am glad to be back. Things went very well, but I was getting very bored during my recovery. However, I'm back, and feeling fine.