Wednesday 10 March 2021

Away Too Long Again

    In fact, it's been 9 days since I posted anything, and it's time for another excuse as to why. We've been extremely short staffed, and I've been extremely busy helping out in a couple of areas outside my normal duties. I'm not saying why we've been down in staff, other than 1 person was taking some much needed holidays. Suffice it to say, we were all helping as best as we could.

   Recently, we had a late winter storm roll through yesterday. And while it didn't drop as much snow as first forecast, we still got at least 10 cm, or 4 inches. I ended up having to shovel twice, and I know I tweaked a shoulder, and my back. The snow won't last long, as it's supposed to get up to 5 on the weekend.

   Hopefully Old Man Winter's done with us, and I can get the summer tires put on the car soon.


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