Wednesday 10 March 2021

Away Too Long Again

    In fact, it's been 9 days since I posted anything, and it's time for another excuse as to why. We've been extremely short staffed, and I've been extremely busy helping out in a couple of areas outside my normal duties. I'm not saying why we've been down in staff, other than 1 person was taking some much needed holidays. Suffice it to say, we were all helping as best as we could.

   Recently, we had a late winter storm roll through yesterday. And while it didn't drop as much snow as first forecast, we still got at least 10 cm, or 4 inches. I ended up having to shovel twice, and I know I tweaked a shoulder, and my back. The snow won't last long, as it's supposed to get up to 5 on the weekend.

   Hopefully Old Man Winter's done with us, and I can get the summer tires put on the car soon.


Monday 1 March 2021

Welcome March!

    And it looks like it'll come in like a lamb, rather than a lion. Although it was -22C this morning with a windchill of -33, the cold snap won't last long. In fact, the temperature is forecast to rise to zero overnight, and we're looking at single digit highs for the balance of the week.

   In fact, the next 2 weeks should see temperatures at or above zero. That likely will change as the month progresses, and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if we got another cold snap, and even a storm or 2. That said, it is March, the days are getting longer and spring is just around the corner.