Saturday 20 February 2021

An Interesting Sunrise


  I managed to grab that shot just as the sun was peaking above the horizon. I don't know how well you'll be able to see it, but what caught my attention was the apparent beam of light shooting upward from the sun.

   I know, we've had literally billions of sunrises (and sunsets), and I've posted enough of them here and on social media. But again, it was that light-beam that caught my attention.

   Yes, I'm working this Saturday, it's my day to do so. Short post, I know, but I figured I'd better do something.


Tuesday 16 February 2021

The Things People Find

    In this case, a co-worker with my wife came across this rather interesting tit-bit whilst cleaning. She was going through some old papers and found it. And rather than toss it in the bin, she gave it to my wife to have me give it to management at our station. I did have to break one picture down into 2 parts to make it a bit clearer.

   My wife's friend says it goes back to the 1970's, but judging from one picture, it may be even older. Thanks Bev for giving us this.


Thursday 11 February 2021

Staying Warm

    It's been brutally cold the past week or so, with windchills in the -50 Celsius range pretty much every day. And this morning, I did "dumb thing #2". Got in the car, scraped the windshield, got back in the car and started reversing out of my spot. And I forgot to unplug the block-heater and battery blanket. Luckily, the plug I lost was the battery blanket.

   All the cold has myself and my morning show host Danny in a culinary creative mood. We've been talking about food for some reason during our morning chats, and one thing that came up was soup as a warmer for the body and mind. I told him about one I do, chicken-chili, and he responded with a turkey-chili. Yesterday, he brought me in some, and it was delicious. This morning, I'm returning the favour with my soup.

   If you care to try it, here's the recipe:

1 can red kidney beans (drained)
1 can baked beans
1 can diced chili seasoned tomatoes
1 jar salsa
1 pack chili seasoning (pick your personal heat level. We prefer "mild")
1 box chicken stock
2 skinless-boneless chicken breasts
corn (optional)
Throw everything into a soup pot (crock pots work well too) and simmer for a couple hours. Remove chicken, shred and return to pot.
You could crush up some taco chips for a topping, or use sour cream.

   As with most soups, it's better on the 2nd day. And stay tuned! There could be more from Craig and Danny's Covid Kitchen in the future.


Monday 1 February 2021

January's Over

    And due to the milder weather, it didn't seem to drag on forever like it normally does. I know, January has 31 days, just like 6 other months, but with what's normally bitter cold for extended periods, it does seem time stretches out. Not this year. True, we did have a few extremely cold days, and true, we did get some snow. But not what I can remember from a "normal" year.

   And now February's here. Which can also be a brutal month for cold and snow. In fact, were going to get a shot of both by the time the week ends. Still, there are just 28 days in February, so it should go by fairly quickly. Then, there's March, which can also see some wicked winter weather. Still, the days are getting longer, and spring is only 47 days away. I'm just glad January went by in a flash.