Monday 17 December 2018

A Bittersweet Anniversary

   Yesterday (December 16) marked the 12th anniversary of our new fur-babies coming to their forever home. My son and I trooped to the Regina Humane Society in a raging blizzard to pick up new members of our family after we had to say "goodbye" to the 2 girls who were with us 17 years in November, 2006. We got these 2
   Aslan (named after the lion in the Narnia series) was the big tan one. The silver grey one is Kell. Sadly, Alsan had to be put to sleep in April this year, due to illness. We miss him still.
   Kell, on the other hand, is still extremely active, despite being at least 15 years old. He imprinted on me right from day 1 when we brought him home.
   After showing them the 'facilities' and the food dishes, we sat down to get to know each other. He immediately leaped up on me, and settled down on my left shoulder. That's still his favourite place to perch on me. Even if it's just for a few minutes.
   We added to our family again in June 2011, when we got our little girl Freya
   And we are still looking to add another kitty to the family, even though we were unsuccessful earlier this year. Hopefully, we'll find the right fit next time.


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