Friday 16 November 2018

Goodbye, Old Friend

   After 2 years, I had to say "goodbye" to a trusted ally. Almost always by my side, I was never let down, until this past Wednesday. Then, death came calling
   My LG G-4 Android cell phone expired. It simply froze, and wouldn't come back to life. Thinking it might help, I pulled the battery and re-installed it, and hit the power on button. All I got was the start-up icon. Nothing else. So, I trooped to my local shop hoping beyond hope one of their technical guru's could re-activate it. But try as he might, nothing.
   He couldn't get it started and, more depressingly, could not retrieve any of my data. I'm still working on re-establishing my contact list, re-connecting with things like email, Facebook and Instagram, and re-installing apps I lost. I was not please that I now have to re-start all the games I had on my old phone. Although having plated them in the past, I now have a better idea of how to proceed on many of them.
   But the worst thing about it crapping out was losing several pictures I had on it. They're not replaceable.
   I did, however, get a shiny new LG G-6 out of the deal
   And the best part, it didn't cost me even one dollar, aside from the usual start-up fees.


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