Tuesday 15 May 2018

He Gave Us Quite A Scare

   This little guy gave us quite a scare this past weekend. Friday, he started vomiting bile or some kind of liquid. My wife says he did it about 15 times. No food, just liquid. Then, he started hunching over like he's trying to go poo. Which he did. On the kitchen floor. Twice. Saturday, he was almost back to normal, but Sunday, more vomit. He also passed what my wife described as a rock-hard almost rectangular shaped mass along with some poo. He was fine again yesterday.
   Needless to say, we took him to the vet, who gave him a good going over, palpitated his abdomen, and found nothing extraordinary. Figures the little guy must've had an almost petrified fur-ball he finally got rid of. Gave us some medicine to help him pass anything left.
   Still, quite a scare. Especially after losing our other boy cat last month. And the fact he's "getting on in age", at about 14 or 15.
   Quit scaring us kitty!


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