Friday 18 May 2018


   And it starts as soon as I've done the 12:00 Noon major newscast. For the first time in quite a while, my wife and I have actually managed to coordinate our time off, and we'll be hitting the road. We'll be driving to Calgary tomorrow to visit our few remaining family members, and I'm going to get together with some high school buddies I haven't seen in 40+ years. It'll be interesting to compare notes, along with medical conditions. I admit I'm not exactly looking forward to the trek. It's about 10 hours between here and Calgary, and it's the long holiday weekend, so there will be more idiots on the road aside from me.
   I'll be back working, and blogging, June 5th.


Tuesday 15 May 2018

He Gave Us Quite A Scare

   This little guy gave us quite a scare this past weekend. Friday, he started vomiting bile or some kind of liquid. My wife says he did it about 15 times. No food, just liquid. Then, he started hunching over like he's trying to go poo. Which he did. On the kitchen floor. Twice. Saturday, he was almost back to normal, but Sunday, more vomit. He also passed what my wife described as a rock-hard almost rectangular shaped mass along with some poo. He was fine again yesterday.
   Needless to say, we took him to the vet, who gave him a good going over, palpitated his abdomen, and found nothing extraordinary. Figures the little guy must've had an almost petrified fur-ball he finally got rid of. Gave us some medicine to help him pass anything left.
   Still, quite a scare. Especially after losing our other boy cat last month. And the fact he's "getting on in age", at about 14 or 15.
   Quit scaring us kitty!


Thursday 10 May 2018

There's A First Time For Everything

   And last night was one of those "firsts". Regular viewers will know our radio station runs a promotion called "Supper in the Field", where we take dinner to an area farmer who is picked at random from a weekly submission.
   Last night was the 1st for the spring series of 6, and we ended up on the Kitz farm near Langenburg. After making the presentations to the winner, his son asked if the 6 members of our staff who attended would mind autographing the flag we hand out as part of the prize pack.
   Needless to say, we were more than happy to oblige. They made us all feel like stars, even if we don't consider ourselves that.


Friday 4 May 2018

Happy Star Wars Day

   It is May 4th, and fans of the franchise will be rolling out their light sabres and Darth Vader masks. I am not one of them. This may be heresy, but I'm not a fan of the franchise. True, I did go see the very first one when it came out in 1977. My only thought was: Meh. It's nothing more than a bad Western set in outer space. I did go to the 2nd movie, but walked out about half-way through, and I haven't seen any of the seemingly endless parade of sequel/prequels since.
   So, for me at least, today's a washout. But I am looking forward to tomorrow. May the 5th be with me