Monday 31 October 2022

It's Hallowe'en!

    In the past since working at GX94, I've dressed up as a zombie, Australian (twice), zombie hunter, "lantern man" from the Led Zeppelin 4 inner sleeve, a "rock star", an Indiana Jones knock-off and a mish-mash off all of them.

   Last year, I was stymied, and couldn't think of a thing. So, for the first time, I did nothing. I wasn't going to let that happen again this year. But despite wracking my brain trying to come up with something, I was running into a blank wall, and thought 2022 would be the 2nd year I did nothing.

   Until inspiration hit one night, and I decided to come in this.....

   My Birthday suit! Not stellar, I agree, but the staff seem to have been getting a good chuckle. And, it's better that doing nothing!